Whois Privacy

Whois Privacy

Do you want to protect your privacy? When you register a domain name, all of your contact information is publicly accessible in the Whois database. Whois Privacy protects your personal information from spammers, scammers, and other unwanted solicitors by replacing all of your private contact information with our contact information! Whois Privacy is available for new, current and transferred .com, .net, .org, .biz, .tv, .info, .me, .mobi, and .cc domain names.

Public Registration

   Domain Name: kidstvshow.com

   Registrant/Admin/Technical Contact:
   Kids TV Show, Inc.
   John Smith
   123 Main Street
   Los Angeles, CA 90232
   Phone: 555-555-1234
   Email: john.smith@kidstvshow.com

   Domain Name Servers:

Private Registration

   Domain Name: kidstvshow.com

   Registrant/Admin/Technical Contact:
   Attention: kidstvshow.com
   DomainIt Whois Privacy
   9891 Montgomery Road, #225
   Cincinnati, OH 45242
   Phone: +1 513-351-4222
   Email: xxxxxx@hideyourwhois.com

   Domain Name Servers:

DomainIt's Whois Privacy service is unique. To prevent spam, your email address will be replaced with a random email forward (e.g. x46fgt7x@hideyourwhois.com) every 24 hours, so that you are still accessible anonymously.

Why Register Private?

  • Reduce spam
  • Prevent identity theft
  • Avoid telemarketers
  • Decrease junk postal mail
  • Maintain your privacy
  • Only $8.95 a year!
  • Free with domain transfer
  • Protect from fraud
  • Remain Anonymous
  • Filter your email
  • Stop data mining
  • Retain domain control

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Or, transfer your domain to DomainIt and make your contact information private. If you already have a domain with DomainIt, log-in to your account, and purchase Whois Privacy.

Protect your privacy. Signing up for Whois Privacy is similar to "unlisting" your phone number in the phone book. When you sign up for Whois Privacy, we replace all of your personal information in the Whois database, including your name, physical address and telephone number, with our own information, giving you the peace of mind that your private information stays private.

Avoid email spam. Your email address is replaced with a "masked" email address that automatically changes every 24 hours, preventing spammers, scammers and data miners from collecting it for addition to spam lists. This masking, along with powerful spam filtering, drastically reduces your junk email, while still allowing valid messages to pass through.

Decrease junk postal mail. Your physical address is kept hidden, so any unsolicited postal mail will be sent to our offices. Rest assured that any certified or overnight mail that you receive can be forwarded.

Retain control of your domain name. Your personal information may be hidden, but you still retain full control of your domain allowing you to make changes, setup services, renew, or even sell your domain, the same as you would without Whois Privacy.

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